
High Performance Tennis is proud to announce an exclusive and key partnership with Project Six Foundation.

The partnership will help support the up skilling of coaches and teachers in sports and physical education as well as encouraging sports participation, personal growth and lifelong physical activity.

Our exclusive association in South Australia will see us help raise funds for education workshops, resources, outreach clinics, equipment, facilities and scholarships through sport, including tennis, across disadvantaged and remote communities in South East Asia and Australia.

Project Six Foundation

Project Six Foundation is an independent registered not-for-profit organisation that seeks to support the development and growth of children by providing evidence-based coach education, sports participation, and physical education programs, to encourage and promote physical activity and wellbeing in disadvantaged and remote communities across South East Asia and Australia.

The Foundation works closely with schools, orphanages, missions, governments and national sporting bodies to help improve the learning capacity of coaches and teachers in a holistic, integrated and inclusive manner in order to effectively teach and support the long term physical, social, and emotional development of children capable of contributing to the unity and prosperity of their communities using sports and physical activity as a key driver.

We aim to achieve this through coach education workshops, sports and physical activity clinics, coach-leadership and scholarship programs supported by fundraising schemes to ensure basic equipment and resources are available to these communities.

For more information visit